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The healing power of  Kambo will begin as soon as you commit to the process.

Before Receiving Kambo

* It is recommended to receive at least 3 treatments of Kambo

within one moon cycle (month).  Any treatments are better than none, yet 3 (and sometimes more) are often needed to fully clear residue and upgrade your life. Kambo brings us to the next level of human potential. Receiving enough medicine solidifies the shift. We’ve provided a financial discount for 3 or more treatments.  Please consider this commitment to heal and step into your strength, resilience, and full potential.

* Take care of your body. Eat well. Drink water. Cleanse from intoxicants.  

When the vessel of our body is clear, Kambo is able to remove deeper layers of toxins and energetics. No matter where you are in cleansing, the frog will work beautifully for you. 

* Reflect on your intention prior to receiving this deep healing.

What you are letting go of? What are you calling in? Kambo will remove what no longer serves you, clearly aligning you with your life path.

TREATMENT and Preparation

Your treatment will be provided by a skilled practitioner who has been working with Kambo for over 11 years.  He has been studying with a Shaman from the Noke Koi tribe in the Amazon, Brazil, and has been applying Kambo for over 8 years, working with 40 clients per week.  He works with Kambo regularly for his own health, and heals his family and young child with this medicine. He is trustworthy, grounded, strong fully present and loving. There will be an assistant available to guide you as well.  You will be in good hands.

What to expect:

* Fast for 12 hours before your treatment

* Drink 2 liters of water, 15 minutes prior to your treatment.  The water serves as a vessel to remove toxins from your body, mind and spirit.  Drink this water with intention, focusing on what you are wanting to let go of, as well as what you are calling in.

*  Small burns will be applied to your skin using a sacred antiseptic wood from the Amazon. The Kambo medicine is then placed on these burns, where it will quickly be absorbed into your lymph system, flushing your entire body for a deep cleanse.

* Most people experience a rising heat move through their body and an increased heart rate as the Kambo scans your body for toxins to remove.  Nausea, purging and occasionally the need to use the bathroom are possible short-lived side effects.  All amenities will be provided so you are well taken care of. 

* The treatment itself usually lasts between 20-35 minutes.  It can be an intense, yet relatively quick with many long-term benefits.  You will be gracefully guided throughout the entirety of the process.


It is recommended to give yourself the day off, in order to rest and integrate your treatment.  Some people feel ready for anything right after receiving Kambo. Others may feel tired and the need to rest. Kambo continues to work through your system after the treatment, so maintain focus on your intention to gain the utmost benefits.

* Stay hydrated, rest, and eat simple, whole and healthy foods.

* Avoid overly salty, spicy, or sugary foods.

*Avoid sex for at least 24 hours, to maintain connected to your own energy field.

Further support

Kambo elicits a jump-start into healing and activation of full human potential. Seeking further support to solidify integration can be beneficial.  Lifestyle guidance, 

ThaiVedic Bodywork, intuitive massage therapy, holistic lifestyle guidance (diet, exercise, yoga), and energy work can be arranged with Eliza Volk, a skilled ThaiVedic practitioner, to create further balance in your life.  These services will stabilize a long-term, healthy lifestyle that supports your unique embodiment.  Other recommendations of healing practitioners can be provide upon consultation.

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