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Kathy's story

"Kambo came to me at a very pivotal time in my life. I was in between jobs, in the midst of a really painful breakup, and feeling in general like my life had a lot of potential if only I could get over being so absolutely hopeless. I was so depressed I just wanted to curl up and die--literally, my prayer to Great Spirit in the weeks leading up to Kambo was something along the lines of "show me my purpose or take my body back into the Earth..." I felt absolutely stuck, paralyzed by sadness and indecision, apathy and frustration. 


I actually felt worse after the first few treatments. It wasn't until my 5th session that I felt like I had made some sort of breakthrough. Not only did I feel it in my body, but I felt things in my world started shifting at that point, too. I accepted a really great job that week, via phone interview. My then-estranged partner reached out and we started communicating again. I was beginning to regain my sense of direction and inspiration to start a new chapter. By the end of the week, I could smile and laugh and look people in the eye again. It felt like being pulled back from the edge--or maybe like I went over it and landed on my feet. 


In the months since the treatments, I've felt more clear and aware. For the past many years, I've been cultivating this "observer" self, who can step back and recognize whatever devices, escape tactics, or excuses I'm using to avoid dealing with my current situation like the strong and capable warrior-goddess that I am. That observer self is more present and persistent now, and that's been such a guiding force for me in the months since my treatments. 


It's been beneficial to me in my relationship (yeah, the one that almost fell apart), when I start looking for validation or approval from my partner, when I would really rather be feeling good in my own skin. I am gentler toward myself now, and stronger because of that. 

It's helped me get more clear about what kind of work I want to do in this world. No longer do I feel content to do work that I don't love or feel great about, just to pay the bills until I get to go on my next adventure. LIFE is the adventure, and I feel more driven and courageous than ever about pursuing what is important to me. 


And I really feel that these huge shifts have occurred because of the time I spent with Kambo, and the facilitators, sitting in utter discomfort and even agony, and still going back time and time again, inviting my demons to show themselves and even be set free. Kambo was such a wonderful catalyst in my life, and I look forward to sitting with the frog medicine again as I continue to spiral upward through this journey we call Life. "



"Wow, what a POWERFUL and WONDERFUL experience that was!  After those sessions I was extremely grounded, alert and very open.

One amazing thing is my anger is gone, just gone.  I used to have this anger and have felt, as far as I can remember, that I always wanted to just throw a piece of furniture across the room and nothing worked to drain it away.  I’m not angry anymore and I don’t get frustrated easily when someone cuts me off while driving.  Good things.  

I’m sure I detoxed all kinds of physical stuff too, but that’s hard to quantify.  I feel like a blockage is gone from moving forward with my spiritual practice again, so that’s really good.  


Thank you again for hosting this healing event. "


"I feel more gentle, more myself and able to be present with people.  People have noticed  a difference in me. I feel more accessible to others."


"Old emotional patterns have gone away."


"I am smiling for no reason and flowing better through everything."

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